Sunday, November 30, 2014

Video of The Week: Auby Taylor's Allergic to Awesome

Trust me, Auby Taylor is a funky guy, but his tricks and steez seem to amaze me. Straight out of Texas, Auby puts a hurt on every spot...

Video courtesy:

Monday, November 17, 2014

Video of the Week: Tyler Surrey and Wes Kremer's Pack Of Hydes Part

I don't know one skating fifteen-year old that isn't voting Wes for SOTY. He has been absolutely killing it and this video proves that there is a skate god among us. Meanwhile, Tyler is over there complimenting him..
Video Courtesy:

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Part of the week: Jaws' "The Junkyard Baby"

Aaron "Jaws" Homoki has been throwing himself down the biggest drops ever since he was twelve or so. This is living proof of his greatness at such a young age. Enjoy